HIP FHIR Common Terminology Guide - Local Development build (v1.2.0). See the Directory of published versions
CodeSystem: Name Prefix
Official URL: https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/name-prefix-code
as of 2020-02-24
Computable Name: Hpi_legacy_name_prefix_10 |
A coded type for name prefixes.
A coded type for name prefixes.
This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:
This code system https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/name-prefix-code
defines the following codes:
Code | Display |
AC | Aircraftman |
AIRCDRE | Air Commodore |
AM | Air Marshal |
AMT | Able Medical Assistant |
ASSOC PROF | Associate Professor |
ASST PROF | Assistant Professor |
AVM | Air Vice Marshal |
BDR | Bombardier |
BR | Brother |
BRIG | Brigadier |
CANON | Canon |
CAPT | Captain |
CARD | Cardinal |
CDR | Commander |
CDRE | Commodore |
COL | Colonel |
CPL | Corporal |
CPOMED | Chief Petty Officer Medic |
DAME | Dame |
DR | Doctor |
ENS | Ensign |
FSGT | Flight Sergeant |
FGOFF | Flying Officer |
FLTLT | Flight Lieutenant |
FR | Father |
GEN | General |
GPCAPT | Group Captain |
HER EXCEL | Her Excellency |
HIS EXCEL | His Excellency |
HON | The Honourable |
LAC | Leading Aircraftman |
LADY | Lady |
LCPL | Lance Corporal |
LMED | Leading Medic |
LT | Lieutenant |
LT CDR | Lieutenant Commander |
LT COL | Lieutenant Colonel |
LT GEN | Lieutenant General |
MAJ | Major |
MAJ GEN | Major General |
MID | Midshipman |
MISS | Miss |
MON | Monsignor |
MOST REV | The Most Reverend |
MR | Mr |
MRS | Mrs |
MS | Ms |
MX | Mx |
OMT | Ordinary Medical Assistant |
PLTOFF | Pilot Officer |
POMED | Petty Officer Medic |
PROF | Professor |
PTE | Private |
RA | Rear Admiral |
REV | Reverend |
RIGHT REV | The Right Reverend |
RT HON | The Right Honourable |
SGN CDR | Surgeon Commander |
SGN LT | Surgeon Lieutenant |
SGN LTCDR | Surgeon Lieutenant Commander |
SGT | Sergeant |
SIR | Sir |
SISTER | Sister |
SLT | Sub Lieutenant |
SPR | Sapper |
SQNLDR | Squadron Leader |
SSGT | Staff Sergeant |
TPR | Trooper |
VEN | The Venerable |
VERY REV | The Very Reverend |
W/O | Warrant Officer |
WGCDR | Wing Commander |
WO | Warrant Officer |
WOMED | Warrant Officer Medic |